Elegant Bouquet of Roses & Carnations with Green Fillers & Gypsy
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Why this gift is special
Discover the timeless beauty of our Elegant Bouquet featuring radiant roses and vibrant carnations, complemented by extra green fillers and gypsy decor. Perfect for any occasion, this charming arrangement exudes grace and elegance, making it an ideal gift to express your heartfelt sentiments.
Elegant Bouquet of Roses & Carnations with Green Fillers & Gypsy
It includes:
- 6 White Roses
- 13 Red Roses
- 7 Pink Carnation with Gypsy & Green Fillers
- Fresh Flower Guarantee
- Ideal for birthdays, anniversaries, or simply to brighten someone's day, this stunning bouquet is a beautiful way to convey your heartfelt sentiments.
- Impressively Gift Wrapped
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Elegant Bouquet of Roses & Carnations with Green Fillers & Gypsy
It includes:
- 6 White Roses
- 13 Red Roses
- 7 Pink Carnation with Gypsy & Green Fillers
- Fresh Flower Guarantee
- Ideal for birthdays, anniversaries, or simply to brighten someone's day, this stunning bouquet is a beautiful way to convey your heartfelt sentiments.
- Impressively Gift Wrapped